Mission America’s Linda Harvey was a guest on the AFA’s “Today’s Issues” broadcast this morning where the discussion turned to her concerns about the growing acceptance of the idea that people can be Christian and gay, as demonstrated by the recent announcement from British singer Vickey Beeching.
“I shudder for them,” Harvey said whenever she reads about Christians who identify as gay as well as “ex-gay” Christians who renounce “ex-gay” therapy.
“We have to stop giving homosexuality special sin status,” she warned, as if “that struggle is somehow different than the sin struggles of a lot of people for a lot of things and ultimately we come down on the side of what does God what me to do.”
Too many people, Harvey said, are starting to believe that “homosexuality is fine” and, in doing so, they are “basically thumbing your nose in the face of God and that is not a good position to be in”: