Mission America president Linda Harvey today unleashed yet another vitriolic and denialist rant against anti–bullying efforts, coinciding with GLAAD’s Spirit Day to combat bullying and stand up for LGBT youth. Harvey said that “gay agenda activists want to add harmful ideas” to young people who are being bullied because their sole “priority” is “propping up the reputation of the lifestyle, not the concern about individual kids.” She even said that a survivor of molestation may end up becoming gay as a result of bullying-prevention policies which deal with anti-gay discrimination, arguing that “the most vulnerable among our kids will be those who are hurt” by them. According to Harvey, the belief that anti-LGBT attitudes drive bullying is “outrageous nonsense” and will “send some kids into this sin identity.”
People involved in homosexuality often truly believe they can’t change but it’s simply not true and grasping God’s truth is the first step to overcoming these desires. Children in most schools today will learn about the dangers of bullying and harassment, much of the information is valuable about treating each other with respect but too many of these programs also include the message we talked about last time that insults about possible homosexuality are wrong and everyone needs to decide that homosexuality is just fine, this type of bullying will only end if we all accept this idea and nod approvingly as we send some kids into this sin identity. If we are to be just and fair, everyone should label certain students as these supposedly different types of human, gay or lesbian or someone born in the wrong sex body. This is outrageous nonsense; in fact the most vulnerable among our kids will be those who are hurt the worst if they believe there is no way out.
Let’s take the example of a twelve year-old boy who was once molested, the reality is there are way too many such boys out there and most of the time he will not report this but will instead internalize the hurt and confusion. On top of this, gay agenda activists want to add harmful ideas in this boy’s life at just the wrong moment. He may also be the subject of some teasing and bullying since many boys go through some of this, adults are tempted to brush it off but no schools should implement fair and appropriate punishment in all such incidents. But what if part of that punishment includes some message like this: ‘people are born homosexual and this type of teasing and insulting is disrespectful to this identity.’ In other words, it’s propping up the reputation of the lifestyle, not the concern about individual kids, that has become the priority. This boy will think he himself is one of these ‘born this way’ homosexual, that it’s the reason he was ‘chosen’ for molestation, that that’s the reason he’s being teased and that he should ignore any their information. No wonder some kids feel trapped and in despair, but it doesn’t have to be that way.