LaBarbera: Beware The Gay Monster

Reflecting on his recent trip to Jamaica to defend the country’s ban on homosexuality, Peter LaBarbera of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality said that homosexuality must remain a crime because otherwise gay people may — gasp! — organize politically and demand equality under the law.

LaBarbera writes in an essay on his website that homosexuality acts like “an insatiable, devouring monster,” lamenting that “we in America have our own arrogant and vengeful ‘gay’ (LGBT) ‘monster in our midst.’”

Folks, when I was in Jamaica I took time in my presentations to share this compelling passage from British historian Paul Johnson, from his book, The Quest for God: A Personal Pilgrimage. (Hat tip to Paul Cameron of Family Research Institute for bringing this to light.) I have found nothing that better explains the inevitable slippery slope of indulged pro-homosexual activism — from the repeal of anti-sodomy laws (motivated by well-intended but misguided compassion toward homosexuals as “victims”); to demands for “tolerance” of homosexuality; to the steady growth of a “gay rights” movement winning passage of laws granting affirmative “rights” based on sexual perversion (and gender confusion); to homosexual and transgender advocacy in schools (targeting even the very young [see book photo]); and ultimately, to the rise of a powerful, well-heeled Homosexual/Transgender Lobby that achieves dominance in society at the expense of biblical truth, religious tradition, public health and the rights of others to disagree.

Note that Johnson correctly calls homosexuality a “great moral evil” – something I think even many committed Christians – neutered by political correctness and decades of “gay” propaganda – today would have a hard time admitting (to their shame). Johnson, writing in 1996, had not yet experienced the attachment of this moral evil to the noble institution of marriage itself (as is now legal in the U.K and in 16 American states). Sin’s advance – like an insatiable, devouring monster — destroys people and cultures, and displaces virtue with man-centered notions of wrong as right (Isaiah 5:20).

Of course, we in America have our own arrogant and vengeful “gay” (LGBT) “monster in our midst” — and I warned the Jamaicans that they, too, will have one if they give in to Western powers by opening up the Pandora’s box of homosexual “rights” in their country. The smart and resolute Jamaican leaders and pastors whom I encountered understand the tragic lesson from Britain and the United States: all attempts to appease this self-justifying Sin Movement are doomed to fail, as each concession leads only to further, and more radical, demands.

UPDATE: LaBarbera also used the “monster” line in his statement on Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson:

Homosexual behavior is wrong, unnatural, often high-risk, but thankfully, changeable — as testified to by the redeemed lives of formerly “gay” men like Michael Glatze and ex-lesbian women like Yvette Cantu Schneider who have overcome homosexuality through faith in Jesus Christ. The Homosexual Lobby in America has morphed into an intolerant and ‘vengeful’ ‘monster in our midst’ — to quote British historian Paul Johnson in describing the growth of homosexual power in the U.K. Christians and moral-minded Americans must rally behind Phil Robertson, condemn the homo-fascist ‘Gay Thought Police’ led by GLAAD who regularly pressure the media into silencing moral speech, and demand that an energetic and civil debate on homosexuality be allowed to flourish in this land we call free.