Kevin Swanson, the far-right preacher who is hosting Republican presidential candidates Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz and Bobby Jindal at his National Religious Liberties Conference this weekend, thinks that Abraham Lincoln was a communist-inspired tyrant, a claim he elaborated on back in September on his “Generations Radio ” program.
Swanson said that the abolition of slavery in the U.S. following the Civil War only showed that the country “moved from decentralized forms of fiefdom slavery to a big federal state that enslaves hundreds of millions of people unlike any time in all of human history. Thanks a lot, Karl Marx; thanks a lot, Abe Lincoln; thanks a lot, whoever you were that centralized power in Washington, D.C., and enslaved an entire nation since 1865.”
Speaking of slavery, Swanson later turned to various passages in the Old Testament in which God commands soldiers to kill all the men but treat women, particularly virgins, as plunder.
Swanson said that this was not slavery but actually a good thing for women.
First, Swanson used the story of the annihilation of the Canaanites as a warning to America: “The Canaanites were extraordinarily wicked, we know that, and God wanted to wipe out all remnants of them off the earth. Part of the reason is they were doing homosexuality and child sacrifice. They were big on abortion and homosexuality, so God says, ‘You take a society like that, you wipe it off the face of the earth.’ That’s the way he treated the Canaanites and that’s probably what’s going to happen to America as well.”
Swanson then discussed the plight of women treated as the spoils of war, which he said was better than having them go on government welfare. “What do you do when you’ve wiped out the fighting men and there are 50,000 single women hanging out in B.C. 1200 when all the men have been eliminated?” he asked.
“The modern solution is you turn them all into prostitutes and put them on welfare. That’s what you do with inner-city women, turn them all into prostitutes and put them on LBJ’s welfare program. Turns out God doesn’t want to do that, okay?”