Kevin Swanson Angry Gays Are Using Accountants

Religious Right broadcaster Kevin Swanson appeared today on American Family Radio’s “Today’s Issues” to promote his National Religious Liberty Conference in Iowa next month. Of course, when someone like Swanson, who backs laws that make homosexuality an offense punishable by death, talks about liberty, he means liberty from the oppressive gay menace.

Swanson told host Tim Wildmon, the president of the American Family Association, that persecution in America is “happening all over the place,” lamenting that now “accountants who refuse to submit forms for homosexual couples” are facing persecution.

“We’re looking at a massive increase in persecution,” he said, warning that religious radio stations will soon be taken off the air if they “refuse to give equal time to homosexuals on the basis of sexual orientation.”

He continued: “We’re all at stake. If you don’t want your pastor in jail, if you want your religious radio station still broadcasting, if you want your job and if you’re a Christian, you had better take this matter seriously in the 2016 elections. The next Supreme Court justices appointed by the next president will be, I think, the determining factor as to whether or not we will live in a highly socialist country in which Christians are persecuted or if we are going to remain free as Christians in the marketplace and in our churches.”