Kat Kerr: Paula White’s Prayer Unleashed ‘Warring Angels’ for Trump

Last week, right-wing “prosperity gospel” preacher and Trump spiritual adviser Paula White opened President Trump’s re-election launch rally in Orlando with a prayer that labeled Trump’s opponents “demonic” and urged God to defeat them. Outside the rally, self-proclaimed “prophetess” and “weather warrior” Kat Kerr claims to have seen “warring angels” being loosed by White’s prayer to do battle on behalf of the president.

“That prayer that Paula declared, that was a warrior’s prayer,” Kerr said on her most recent podcast. “A standing in the gap for our president, for our nation, and loosing everything against Hell she could send, the warring angels that came from that place because of her prayer.”

“The hosts began to pour out, some from Heaven, some literally from inside the Amway Center to do destruction of the enemy, even bombarding the ones who were there picketing and protesting,” she added. “The protesters were being bombarded by the hosts of heaven because the demonic was literally driving them; I could see it infecting them and inflaming them to scream out against what was [going on at the rally]. It didn’t matter because the hosts of Heaven were pulling down strongholds over these people because of the prayer that Paula prayed.”