We have been covering the absurd, bizarre and paranoid rantings of phony ex–terrorist Kamal Saleem as he emerged on the Religious Right scene, and today he had his biggest platform yet at the Values Voter Summit, where he was preceded by Ohio congressman Jim Jordan and a video message by Mitt Romney. Saleem told conference goers his made-up story about his time as a terrorist working for Lebanon, Syria, the PLO, Libya, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and even Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan, until he moved to the U.S. to wage “cultural jihad.” He claimed he and his fellow terrorists “met the professors” at American universities and colleges, which “were our playgrounds,” in order to help “the professors to establish new curriculum purposefully” to brainwash students to change “your children to hit your nation with everything they’ve got.”
Later, Saleem said Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is working with Islamic countries to eviscerate the Constitution and “subjugate American people to be arrested and put to jail and their churches and synagogues shut down,” which he says will happen early next year!