Joyner: ‘Get Ready for a Second American Revolution’

Rick Joyner is once again predicting a “second American Revolution.” In his latest “prophetic bulletin,” Joyner accuses the Obama administration of establishing “tyranny” by “suppressing political opposition and even destroying the businesses and wealth of those who support causes counter to the Administrations.”

He cites the increasingly debunked claims that the White House used the IRS to target conservative groups. Joyner warns that we are “doomed” if people don’t rise up and prevent the creation of “the most oppressive totalitarian state in history.”

“The things our own Government is doing to us now are worse” than in the colonial era, Joyner writes. “We have all been duped, but now we need to all wake up or we may never wake up.”

He accuses liberals of supporting the Marxist police state, which he fears will be realized unless Americans “get ready for a second American Revolution to recover the principles and the freedoms won by the first one.”

We have a growing mountain of evidence that this most basic violation of every American’s privacy is already being used for other sinister purposes, like suppressing political opposition and even destroying the businesses and wealth of those who support causes counter to the Administrations. This is tyranny at its most basic level and the foundation of every police state. If we buy into the good intentions excuse, we are the most naïve sheep ever led to the slaughter.

What our Government is doing spying on Americans through the NSA is appalling. Yet when you combine it with the other cascading revelations about the use of the IRS, the FBI, and the DOJ to undermine or destroy political opponents, we must see that not only is the apparatus of the most terrible police state now in place, but the tactics of a police state are already being used.

All that our country was founded and built upon is at stake, and our fate will be decided over the next few months. We are now facing something much bigger than any Democratic or Republican Party issue. If this is allowed to stand, our Republic is doomed. We will soon be under the yoke of the most oppressive totalitarian state in history, made possible by our modern technology.

It has now fallen upon us to do what our Founders did when they risked their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to throw off the yoke of the oppressor. The American Revolution was not a tax revolt as those who twist history would have us believe. The stifling and increasing taxation was number seventeen on their list of grievances. Far worse for the colonists were things like having their children kidnapped and made servants on British ships, having their property abused and even confiscated, and being treated like an occupied people by the British army. The things our own Government is doing to us now are worse.

Marx detested liberals, calling them “useful idiots.” He knew they were so naïve and easily manipulated that they could be used until absolute power had been seized. Then the liberals and the intelligentsia would be the first to be snuffed out. That has been the case with every totalitarian power to date. Why would anyone continue to think it would be different this time?

Remember Einstein’s definition of insanity—doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results? How is it that those who are supposed to be the smartest get so fooled every time? We should be encouraged that the ACLU woke up so fast to this unprecedented threat. Liberals are actually the most at risk from totalitarian control, but like the Jews in the Holocaust going to the showers thinking they were actually going to get a shower, the same tragedy is repeated over and over.

Idealism is a drug that makes you feel good while it is killing you. There is no political party, group, or single American that is not at risk from what we now have hanging over us. Everything America was born for and stands for is now threatened. We have all been duped, but now we need to all wake up or we may never wake up.

The abuses that have just been revealed about how the IRS was used to target this Administration’s political opponents are already looking like the tip of the iceberg. With Obamacare set to be managed by the IRS, it will put all of our records, health and financial, in their hands and in their control, with the authority to draw from our accounts without our permission. Might that explain why the head of the IRS visited the White House over 160 times in this Administration, three times more than even the most frequently visiting Cabinet member? We would have to be the most blind and naïve people of all time not to see the pattern of where this is headed.

Americans, get ready to arise. Get ready for a second American Revolution to recover the principles and the freedoms won by the first one.

We must also know that, in such times as these, some of the greatest patriots will be branded traitors, and some of the worst traitors can be branded patriots. We must resolve now that we will not be swayed by how we are portrayed by our Government, by our media, or even by the majority of Americans. We must resolve to just do the right thing with the conviction that liberty is worth paying any price to preserve.

If we go down in history as traitors while trying to do the right thing, we can be comforted that it will all be straightened out at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Regardless of what men may think of us now, we must take a stand for what is right for the sake of what is right and for our children. We must not be the generation that lost what so many paid such a dear price to give us. We must do the right thing because it is the right thing, leaving the consequences to the One in whom we have put our trust.

Tags: Rick Joyner