Jennifer Rubin: Obama ‘Not a Good Person’ for Talking About Racism, Which ‘Most Americans Have Never Personally Experienced’

Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin and NewsMax radio host Steve Malzberg yesterday spent an entire interview complaining that President Obama focuses too much on race while also ignoring problems in the black community. According to Rubin, racism effectively ended with the repeal of Jim Crow laws and no one experiences racism these days, except for Obama who seeks to use race “as a crutch or a method of stirring up his base.”

She says Obama isn’t letting people “get out of this racial archaeology” so they are “held prisoners forever in a past that most Americans have never personally experienced.”

Rubin explained that Obama’s recent remarks on race prove that he is “the absolute worst.”

“I do not think that this man is a good person,” Rubin said. “He wants to incite people and to rally people for political ends; that is not a good person.”
