Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, has a theory as to why Hillary Clinton has been largely supporting President Obama’s policies and record on the campaign trail: because she knows that if she crosses him, she’ll be indicted.
Gohmert spoke yesterday with Alex Marlow on Breitbart News’ Sunday show on SiriusXM, where he insisted that as long as Clinton “doesn’t trash Obama, then she’s probably going to avoid indictment.”
Gohmert, who has been an enthusiastic proponent of the conspiracy theory that former CIA director David Petraeus was indicted for leaking classified information because he was about to expose information about the Benghazi attack, said that Clinton is probably facing a similar situation as Petraeus was.
“I know others who are saying, ‘Oh, it’s going to happen she’s going to be indicted,’” he said, “but look at Petraeus, they saw him as a threat, they’d been sitting on information about his affair for 10, 11 months or so, however long it’d been, and decided to use it right before he could destroy their scenario about the video causing Benghazi. So, I don’t know, just looking at the way this administration operates. If you’re on their side, you don’t get indicted. If you’re a threat to them, you get indicted.”
This prompted Marlow to bring up a theory of his own. “Did you notice what Hillary’s latest campaign tactic is, if you saw the latest debate, you know what she’s doing these days?” he asked. “She keeps backing Obama’s entire agenda. She keeps saying what his success has been.”
“Exactly,” Gohmert responded. “Why do you think that is?”
“Well, I’m starting to think, maybe all these rumors flying that she could be indicted, and I’d always thought that it wasn’t a chance, but maybe she’s thinking, ‘Well, we’d better make sure,’” Marlow said.
“Yeah, well, I mean, I think if she becomes a threat then she gets indicted like Petraeus was,” Gohmert responded. “You know, they’ve got the evidence, if they want to use it, then they can. But they obviously look the other way if you’re helping them, if you’re intimidating voters that may be Republican at a polling place then you walk, despite the laws you violate. It’s what this administration has done. They support those that help them even when they’re breaking the law.”
(Gohmert’s mention of people getting away with “intimidating voters” is a reference to the overblown, Fox News-driven New Black Panther Party scandal .)