It really is remarkable how the Family Research Council is slowly transitioning from a political group with a religious agenda to a religious group with a political agenda.
Case in point: this weekend’s second annual Call2Fall event through which FRC seeks to lead churches across the nation on a “journey back to God, to His forgiveness and favor, [which] begins on our knees in humility and repentant prayer.”
As we noted before, FRC is even providing participants and leaders with suggested sermons and prayer targets – targets that just happen to coincide with FRC’s right-wing political agenda, warning that the Obama administration’s embrace of the LBGT community’s “immoral social agenda” is a “threat to us all” because it will cause God to unleash his wrath upon our nation:
Immoral Social Agenda — June was declared by our President to be “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered Equality Month.” At a White House party for homosexual activists, the President recounted his pro-homosexual record and promised a host of new benefits, rights and special protections for the LGBT community. But this privileged new class, whose members are identified by their bizarre sexual practices, presents many threats to society: threats to public health, public morals, the wellbeing of children, threats to religious liberty and, indeed, to themselves. Our Creator condemns their practices as “abominable” and morally reprehensible (see Lev 18:30). Historically, many American states have had laws against homosexual behavior, yet now it is celebrated in the White House. Scripture warns that those who practice and those who approve these things are objects of God’s wrath (Rom 1:32). Scripture warns that these practices will cause the very land to “vomit out its inhabitants” (Lev 18:25). Thus, public approval is a threat to us all.
The President’s commitment to implement the LGBT agenda (e.g., the so-called “Hate Crimes” law, the proposals to repeal both the military’s policy of prohibiting homosexuals from serving and the “Defense of Marriage Act,” the pro-homosexual “Employment Non-Discrimination Act,” and other measures) has far-reaching implications for America. God reminds us in the New Testament that “by turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes he condemned them to extinction, making them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly” (2 Pet 2:6); and “In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire ” (Jude 7).
FRC also warns that Christians need to fall on their knees and repent the nation’s slide into “economic tyranny” and for our “corporate guilt” including “America’s recent treatment of Israel, widespread abortion, the subjection of our children to immoral ‘sex education,’ pornography, promiscuity, divorce, same-sex ‘marriage,’ violent entertainment, and more” … and has produced a handy “Catalogue of Sins” [PDF] for which individuals, families, churches, and state should repent.
And thus, the need for nationwide prayer and repentence:
Pray that God will use Call2Fall to birth a new spirit of prayer and repentance in churches across America. May He help pastors to lead their churches in repentant prayer! May a new season of prayer and solemn assembly that move God’s heart begin across our nation! May God send revival to His Church and another Great Awakening to America! May our children inherit a land where Christ is honored as Savior and Lord. May America yet become a “city on a hill” to the nations.
I’d like to point out that the man running the show over at FRC and leading this Call2Fall effort, Tony Perkins, was a witness for the Republicans in Elena Kagan’s confirmation hearing just yesterday.