For the Fifth Time, David Barton Falsely Claims the Constitution is Full of Direct Quotations Out of the Bible

We are really starting to wonder if David Barton literally does not understand the meaning of the phrase “direct quotation” since he continues to falsely claim that the Constitution contains dozens of direct quotations from the Bible.

Barton repeated the lie for the fifth time when he spoke at the ProFamily Legislators Conference shortly after the election, which aired today on “WallBuilders Live“:

I could take you through most clauses of the Constitution, but it’s interesting when you look at the Constitution and the clauses, if you know the Bible – and a lot of people don’t; they look at the Constitution and say “oh, that’s cool language.”  If you know the Bible, you go “that’s a direct quote out of a Bible verse.”

That’s why so many Bible verses are directly cited in the Constitution.  When people tell me the Constitution is a secular document, that tells me they’re biblically illiterate because if you know the Bible, you’ll instantly recognize these verses in Constitutional clauses.

As we have pointed out time and time and time and time again, not one of the Constitutional provisions he cites as evidence actually directly quote the Bible in any manner whatsoever, yet Barton continues to make this same false claim while insisting that anyone who points out the fact that he is lying is just “biblically illiterate.”