Florida Lawmaker: Make Students Watch Dinesh D’Souza’s Movie Because America Owes It To Those Who Died Protecting Freedom

Florida state Senator Alan Hays was the guest on “WallBuilders Lives” today, explaining the need for his legislation that would require every eighth grade student in the state to watch Dinesh D’Souza’s ridiculous film “America: Imagine The World Without Her.”

As Hays explained to host Rick Green, requiring schools to show this film will help to stimulate an intellectual exchange of ideas among students who otherwise will learn “nothing but a bunch of dogma.”

And this is vitally import, he explained, because “over the years, there have been hundreds of thousands of Americans who have given their lives on foreign soil to defend freedom here in America and around the world and we owe it to them to protect that freedom.”

“It’s our obligation to keep that freedom going,” Hays said, “and this movie can play a very important role in that”: