As we noted yesterday, the entire Religious Right movement is in the process of freaking out over the fact that President Obama read a version of The Gettysburg Address that did not include the phrase “under God.” The simple fact that Obama was asked to read that specific version by documentary filmmaker Ken Burns does not, according to the Right, in any way absolve him of this grave sin, with Liberty Counsel fuming that “he has certainly failed to acknowledge God and Biblical values throughout his presidency” and Gary Bauer declaring that “God is not amused.”
Most furious of all is Bryan Fischer who insists that Obama deliberately read the version that did not include “under God” because he is a “Christophobic bigot.”
Obama as “deliberately insulted the faith of 300 million Americans,” Fischer said. “There’s no way this was not deliberate and intentional. So, to me, this is just more evidence of President Obama’s anti-Christian bigotry. He is a Christophobic bigot; he has an intolerance, he has a dislike, he has an animus for Christianity”: