Fischer: God Will Use ISIS To Punish America For Gay Rights

On his radio program today, Bryan Fischer spent an entire segment delivering a convoluted exegesis of the Old Testament in an effort to explain that God will eventually get fed up with America’s tolerance of homosexuality and will use radical Islamic groups like ISIS to carry out his wrath.

Just as God used the Israelites to destroy the Canaanites as punishment for their utter debauchery and then used “pagan armies” to punish Israel when it fell into sin, Fischer explained, so too will God use Islamic radicals to inflict his judgment upon America.

Asserting that the people of Sodom and Gomorrah are “just like the Gay Gestapo is today” and that America is celebrating behavior that God calls an abomination while persecuting those who stand for God’s values, Fischer warned that “God eventually is going to run out of patience with the United States.”

And when that day comes, he said, God “will use pagan armies to discipline his people if they turn from him in rebellion and disobedience and descend into debauchery,” pointing to the rise of ISIS to raise the possibility that “God will use the pagan armies of Allah to discipline the United States for our debauchery”: