Don Feder Angry ‘Noah’ Didn’t Blame Flood On Gay People

World Congress of Families spokesman Don Feder is upset that the movie “Noah” focused on climate change, suggesting that the flood actually represented divine punishment for homosexuality.

Feder joins the many anti-gay activists who insist that gay people are to blame for the biblical flood.

“Try to imagine Hollywood making a movie that inveighs against sexual immorality, when the entertainment industry goes Lady Gaga over gayness and presents cohabitation, adultery and abortion as lifestyle choices,” Feder writes.

Instead, he says that the film’s message against human-induced climate change is proof that “warmingism” is a religion that treats its critics as “heretics.” He adds that “Enviros would have auto-da-fes in front of the United Nations building if not for concern about pollutants released by burning flesh.”

Scripture is a bit vague on the reasons for the flood. The Bible explains: “Now the earth was corrupt before God. And the earth became full of robbery. And God saw the earth, and behold it had become corrupted.” (Genesis 6:11-12).

Corrupt in what way? Would God destroy the world over larceny? Later in Genesis, the Canaanite cities of Sodom and Gomorrah are blotted out, this time by fire, over sexual deviancy. The term “sodomite” doesn’t refer to someone who knocks-over convenience stores.

Try to imagine Hollywood making a movie that inveighs against sexual immorality, when the entertainment industry goes Lady Gaga over gayness and presents cohabitation, adultery and abortion as lifestyle choices.

The cult of global warming has all of the characteristics of a religion – prophets (Al Gore, Hollywood savants, and scientists in mad pursuit of government research grants), evil (the internal combustion engine, coal-fired plants, population growth), good (measures designed to curb CO2 emissions) and salvation/redemption (draconian fines for carbon-polluters, severe limits on human reproduction – to erase carbon footprints – and eventual repeal of the industrial revolution). Dissenters aren’t merely wrong, they are heretics labeled climate change “deniers.” Enviros would have auto-da-fes in front of the United Nations building if not for concern about pollutants released by burning flesh.

Although adherents won’t admit it, warmingism is also based on faith – a belief in the depravity of industrial society and the evil of progress. Unfortunately for its proponents, warmingism is demonstrably false and is increasingly refuted by reality. The earth isn’t getting warmer. The ice caps aren’t shrinking. The rise in sea-levels is insignificant and ecological doom is nowhere on the horizon. …

After spending decades (centuries if you want to go back to the French Revolution) trying to destroy religion, the left is now using religion to advance its pet causes. Coming soon, “Sodom and Gomorrah: The True Story” – wherein destruction is visited on the Mesopotamian metropolises for their homophobia, sexism and income inequality.