Dinesh D’Souza Says His New Movie Is So ‘Emotionally Powerful’ It’ll Cause Democrats To Need Counseling

Dinesh D’Souza joined Steve Malzberg on Newsmax TV last night to promote his upcoming “Hillary’s America” movie, which he said is going to be so traumatic for Democrats that they may need to seek counseling after seeing it.

In the film, which he brags is “gonna earn me life in prison,” D’Souza makes the case that Democrats have been responsible for just about every awful thing that has ever happened in America.

“Our film is the most powerful emotional and intellectual attack on Hillary and the Democratic Party that you can ever imagine,” D’Souza said, humbly. “It’s about this whole sordid history of a party that has, from the beginning, been defined by subjugation, exploitation and theft. Not just slavery, but continuing with segregation, Jim Crow, the Black Codes, opposing voting rights for blacks, opposing the 13th Amendment, emancipation, the Ku Klux Klan, forced sterilization, support for fascism, Japanese internment during World War II.”

“This is the true history of the Democratic Party and progressivism,” he stated, “and those things have been swept under the rug and we bring them to light in such an emotionally powerful way that I sometimes think we may need to have counselors outside the theater for Democrats who happen to wander in.”