Bryan Fischer: Use A Polygraph To Ban Muslim Immigrants Who Have Visited Mecca

Bryan Fischer was very impressed with Donald Trump’s proposal to implement an “extreme vetting” process for screening immigrants who wish to come to America and took it upon himself to draft a simple nine question test to be given to all Muslims seeking to enter this country.

Fischer, who has been calling for a complete ban on Muslim immigration and the deportation off all Muslims currently living in the United States for years, said that anyone who failed to provide a satisfactory answer to any of these questions should automatically be denied entry:

1. Do you believe in Israel’s right to exist?
2. Do you renounce all Palestinian acts of terror against Israel and Israelis?
3. Do you believe the 9/11 attack was carried out by Muslims or by Jews?
4. Do you believe the Holocaust occurred?
5. Have you made the pilgrimage to Mecca?
6. Do you support legal punishment for those who leave the Islamic faith?
7. Do you want the United States one day to be governed by Sharia law?
8.Are you willing to give up any right to have Muslim holidays on school calendars and halal food in school cafeterias and prisons?
9.Do you believe anyone who creates an image of Muhammad should be punished?

On his radio show today, a caller worried that Fischer’s test might be undermined by “taqiyya,” a reference to the false claim that Muslims are allowed to advance the cause of Islam. But Fischer had an obvious answer: require Muslims to take the test while strapped to a polygraph machine.

“I tried to devise these questions,” Fischer said, “to make it virtually impossible for a Muslim to resort to taqiyya … I think these questions ought to be administered with a polygraph machine, frankly. I think that anyone that’s from a Muslim country that wants to immigrate to the United States, they not only should ask these questions, they should do it hooked up to a polygraph machine.”