Bryan Fischer: ‘It’s Not Okay For Christians To Have Diverse Opinions’

On his radio program yesterday, Bryan Fischer recounted a debate he had last week on Twitter with Christian Today writer Andrew Walton over Walton’s piece criticizing the newly opened Ark Encounter theme park in Kentucky, which was built by the Creationist group Answers in Genesis for the purpose of promoting the organization’s fundamentalist view of the Bible.

During his discussion, Fischer took exception to Walton’s assertion in his article that Christians “may have diverse opinions on sexual ethics, on life issues, on evolution, on hell, on what role government should play in society, on healthcare, and indeed on science,” insisting that, in fact, Christians cannot have opinions on those issues if they differ from Fischer’s interpretation of the Bible.

“No, it is not okay for Christians to be all over the map, to have diverse opinions,” Fischer insisted. “No, it’s not okay. The Bible is abundantly clear about sexual ethics, sex is reserved for marriage, marriage is a union of one man and one woman, homosexuality is a sin, sexual immorality is a sin, et cetera. These things are not ambiguous in the scripture so, no, it’s not okay to have diverse opinions on those issues.”

“It’s not okay to have diverse opinions on life issues,” Fischer continued. “It’s not okay for Christians to have diverse opinions about evolution.”