Bauer: Ben Carson Facing a ‘Leftist Lynching’

Yesterday, Gary Bauer told members of his organization the Campaign for Working Families that conservative activist Ben Carson is the victim of a “leftist lynching.”

Bauer said that “the left-wing coalition of socialists and radical secularists” and its “political killing machine” have targeted Carson just as they have attacked “Clarence Thomas, Allen West and other people of color who have defended conservatism.”

He especially took issue with criticism of Carson’s comparison of homosexuality to pedophilia and bestiality, warning that the campaign for marriage equality is “a battering ram to destroy your religious liberty and freedom of speech.”

The Leftist “Lynching” Of Ben Carson Begins

Dr. Ben Carson burst onto the scene after his bold speech at the National Prayer Breakfast in February. His remarks were a breath of fresh air for millions of Americans who want to take the country back from the left-wing coalition of socialists and radical secularists. I have known about Dr. Carson for years, and I agree that he seems to have the character many would like to see in our leaders. BUT. . .

It is a vain hope to think that simply having a good heart and a remarkable story of success and achievement will somehow inoculate that individual from the political killing machine that the left has developed in recent years.

MSNBC’s Toure Neblett recently said that Dr. Carson is nothing more than the conservative movement’s “new black friend” who is “helpful in assuaging their guilt.” He also said that Dr. Carson, a neurosurgeon, is “unserious.” This is what the left has done to Clarence Thomas, Allen West and other people of color who have defended conservatism.

Now comes the latest attack against Dr. Carson. The left is creating a narrative that he is a bigot. Asked on Sean Hannity’s show what he thought about the marriage debate, Dr. Carson responded:

“Well, my thoughts are that marriage is between a man and a woman. It’s a well-established, fundamental pillar of society, and no group — be they gays, be they NAMBLA, be they people who believe in bestiality, it doesn’t matter what they are — they don’t get to change the definition.”

Dr. Carson was immediately excoriated for his remarks, and he quickly apologized if he offended anyone. (Note to Dr. Carson: Don’t run for president if you are going to start apologizing for offending liberals. They are offended by your very existence.)

Now students at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine have launched a petition to prevent Dr. Carson from speaking at this year’s commencement ceremony because his values are “deeply offensive to a large proportion our student body.” (Note to pastors and young Christians: The same-sex marriage debate is not about “fairness for everyone.” Wake up! This is a battering ram to destroy your religious liberty and freedom of speech.)

In contrast, liberals see a black conservative doctor with a wonderful personality and incredible achievements and no matter how popular he is, their first instinct is to take him down. That is what the radical left has done to our politics. They have turned it into a “blood sport,” and right now it is Dr. Ben Carson being sliced up.