In the wake of the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision, Miranda noted how anti-gay activists were excited by the prospect that the decision had set a precedent that could now be used to exempt Christian businesses from having to comply with anti-discrimination laws when it comes to issues like gay marriage.
On today’s “Faith and Freedom” radio broadcast, Liberty Counsel’s Matt Barber addressed exactly this issue, saying that he is hopeful that anti-gay Christians will now have a solid defense when they refuse to “be an indentured servant” by providing services to “a counterfeit gay marriage” because this ruling was “a strong rebuke of all those sexual orientation laws around the country in cities and municipalities and states that say somehow gays win, Christians lose, sexual orientation trumps all.”
“This decision, if you read between the lines,” Barber asserted, “it says religious freedom is sacrosanct, including for the business owner.”
Saying that nowhere in the Constitution does it say that Christians are required to participate in sin by providing services for a gay wedding that mocks God, Barber believes that this decision “sends a strong signal” that religious liberty is protected by the Constitution and by law while sexual orientation is not.
“Clearly the First Amendment and RFRA, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, read through the prism of this decision,” Barber said, “I believe bodes very well for Christians who say ‘we will not partake and give any recognition to fake same-sex marriage'”: