As Trump’s Homeland Security Secretary, Ann Coulter Pledges Protestant-Only Holidays

Ann Coulter shared her love for Donald Trump last week at Eagle Forum’s Collegian Summit, where she told the crowd of young conservatives that Trump is “more likely to be the next president than Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio” even if he runs on a third-party ticket.

“I would like to be the head of Donald Trump’s Homeland Security,” Coulter said, adding, “I’ll get it all done before breakfast” because she “could kind of guess who the criminals are going to be at least 50 percent of the time.”

Without Trump in the race, she argues, no one would be talking about immigration, and campaign platforms would focus solely on “transgenderism and gay marriage and global warming.”

Coulter also discussed immigration, saying that previous generations of immigrants were more suitable because “people proved their heartiness to get here by vomiting all the way across the Atlantic Ocean.”

“There was no pussyfooting around,” Coulter said of Ellis Island immigrants, “We’re assimilating you, you’re here and you’re going to be an American. There will be no celebration of Cinco de Mayo, there will be no Ramadan, in fact there won’t even be a Feast of the Immaculate Conception – we are an Anglo-Protestant country, and you will learn about the Battle of Valley Forge.”