Alt-Right Leader: Donald Trump’s Immigration Speech Sounded Like It Came From One Of Us

Yesterday, Jared Taylor and Paul Kersey, two white nationalists and alt-right activists, spoke about Donald Trump’s recent speech on immigration in a podcast for Taylor’s American Renaissance magazine.

Kersey, who runs a racist blog called Stuff Black People Don’t Like, hailed Trump’s address as “one of those speeches that our grandkids will study if things go our way,” congratulating Taylor for having a major party’s presidential candidate champion the anti-immigrant ideas he has been peddling for years.

“He came through with a speech that I think was nothing short of brilliant,” Taylor said. “I don’t think anybody in the entire alt-right could have written a better speech for him.”

“It was a complete repudiation of ‘The New Colossus’ that was regrettably placed on the Statue of Liberty in 1903,” Kersey said of Trump’s speech, referring to the Emma Lazarus poem welcoming “your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

Trump, he added, wants to make America’s immigration system resemble “a high-end club as opposed to a cheap roadhouse where American liberty is routinely, I won’t use the word I want to use, but it’s raped on a nightly and a daily basis. It’s such an exciting time to be alive.”

Keyser, who has called on Trump to remove “The New Colossus” from the Statue of Liberty on the first day of his presidency, reiterated his attack on the poem: “We don’t need your huddled masses.”

“It’s hard to imagine the sentiments behind anyone who would put up a poem welcoming ‘the wretched refuse of your teeming shores,’” Taylor added. “That is what the Statue of Liberty is supposed to be welcoming? Wretched refuse? Gosh, what kind of suicidal, psychopathic country is going to want something like that?”