David Barton’s tendency to utterly misrepresent things in order to promote his own right-wing political agenda is well–established, but it never hurts to keep documenting examples, especially since he continues to provide them on a regular basis.
On today’s broadcast of “WallBuilders Live,” for instance, Barton claimed that the reason President Obama won re-election was because voters “were not thinking right.” And one of the reasons voters don’t “think right” is because the higher education system is dominated by Obama supporters, as demonstrated by the fact that, according to Barton, 96% of the professors at Ivy League colleges donated to Obama’s campaign:
After the election, we had those two days where we talked about it afterwards and we went through a lot of the numbers just showing that people were not thinking right. They voted according to what they thought, but they were thinking wrong about so many areas.
And so, if we’re going to change the direction of the nation and the way its headed, we have to change the way people think. It’s real simple.
What are the areas that cause us to think the way we do? Well, the media is one, education is one, the pulpit is one. There are several areas that help us shape the way we think. Now, I will point out, if we’re looking for help out of universities, it ain’t going to happen.
This is a report that I just read that is kind of amazing: 96% of the faculty at the elite colleges donated to President Obama … Not just voted; 96% of faculty donated.
So you have 96% of faculty who donated to the Obama campaign; 96% from the elite colleges. So if we’re looking to get help out of the schools, that ain’t going to happen.
You will be undoubtedly be surprised to learn that the report to which Barton referred found not that 96% of faculty donated to Obama but rather that 96% of the donations made by faculty and staff from the Ivy League schools went to the Obama campaign.
Think about it: if only one donation was made by a faculty member from a particular university and it went to the Obama campaign, then the percentage of donations coming from that university that went to Obama would be 100%. But that doesn’t mean that 100% of the faculty at that university donated to Obama, which is the claim that Barton is making.
Considering that Barton is a former math teacher, you’d think he’d be a little better at math.