Pat Robertson: Without Biblical Law ‘We’re In Danger Of Losing All Of Our Freedom’

Following a Christian Broadcasting Network report on a city in the Philippines that requires taxi drivers to post verses from the Bible, Pat Robertson lamented on his television show today that there is no similar requirement of taxi drivers in the U.S.

Robertson said that America should make the Bible the foundation of the nation’s laws, warning that the country will collapse without stronger biblical influences in government and society at large.

“This country was raised as honoring the Bible, how far have we come now where we have allowed a few atheists to destroy the very foundations of our culture and we’re in danger of losing all of our freedom because our freedom rests, ladies and gentlemen, rests on the word of God,” he said. “You take away the Bible and you have the Nazis and you have the Communists and you have the dictators and you have evil rampant. America is still a Christian country but is far, far, far away from where it used to be.”