Barton: ‘I Don’t Think the President has Ever Read the Bible From Cover to Cover’

As David Barton sees it, anyone who doesn’t buy his absurd claim that the Constitution is chock-full of verbatim direct quotes from the Bible is simply “biblically illiterate.” And, as Barton explained on “WallBuilders Live” today, the reason people are so uninformed about the Bible is because they have never read it from cover to cover  … and that includes our “Christian atheist” president Barack Obama:

I’ve started asking people “have you read through the Bible from cover to cover?” And I’m talking people fifty, sixty, seventy years old who have been in the church fifty years who have never read the Bible from cover to cover.

Now if you haven’t read the play book or the rule book, you’re not going to know what’s in it. Going back to a baseball analogy, that’s like alright, I’ve got the bat, the glove, the ball but I don’t care what the rules are, I don’t know what the rules are, I don’t want to read the rule book or the play book. You can’t do that.

And so we really have a biblically illiterate group of folks now who claim Christianity and that’s where I put the President; I don’t think the President has ever read the Bible from cover to cover.