Right Wing Bonus Tracks – 11/12/15

  • Peter LaBarbera is apparently relocating the headquarters of his Americans For Truth About Homosexuality organization to Washington, D.C.
  • Paul Hair says “I revere the American Founding and love humanity. Thus, I hate what America has become.”
  • A Republican state legislator is targeting the University of Missouri for daring to research the question of whether a state law requiring a 72-hour waiting period for abortions is effective. 
  • FRC prays against Planned Parenthood: “May the right actions of Congress and the prayers of your people mitigate the judgment that is now upon America.”
  • Finally, Gordon Klingenschmitt says that a court victory for Christian street preachers who were harassed while preaching at an Arab-American festival is also a victory for Muslims “because now they have a right to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ which can save their souls from Hell.”