Will Texas Place a Second-Rate Pseudo-Historian and Tea Party Activist on Its Supreme Court?

Yesterday we mentioned that Rick Green had made it into a run-off election for a spot on the Texas Supreme Court, which was rather remarkable considering that he had exactly zero judicial experience and, since being voted out of state legislative office back in 2002, had been serving as David Barton’s right-hand man at WallBuilders.

Now if you know anything about Barton’s work and his presentations, then this video of Green will seem very familiar as he is basically Barton’s back-up; a second-stringer delivering WallBuilders’ presentations about America’s purely Christian heritage when Barton is unavailable:

But rest assured that Green has an identity of his own, as well … he’s also a Tea Party activist who rails against “socialists” like Barney Frank and Chris Dodd and announces that they are “firing the first shots of a second American Revolution right here in Texas”:

And just in case it isn’t clear just how right-wing Rick Green really is, allow me to post this video of Alan Keyes endorsing him back in 2002:

Now that might not seem particularly relevant, except for the fact that it was Green who posted this ad on his YouTube page on February 11, 2010 … so obviously, the endorsement of a completely unhinged Birther like Keyes is something that Green thinks is the sort of thing that it helps to highlight.

In one month, it is entirely possible this man could win a Republican run-off election and be all but assured of a seat on the Texas Supreme Court.