Televangelist: Nazi-Style Gas Chambers And Concentration Camps Now In America

Televangelist Rodney Howard-Browne — who just two months ago led a Religious Right gathering featuring several GOP congressmen — claimed yesterday that the United States government is currently building concentration camps and gas chambers and preparing to institute martial law.

Howard-Browne told “Trunews” host Rick Wiles that America today is no different than Germany under Nazi rule: “We’ve been taken over. We are living in occupied territory. It’s like Nazi Germany in 1933 right now in America. People say, ‘That’s just crazy.’ But no it’s not, it’s fact.”

Howard-Browne claimed that the U.S. government is now building concentration camps and gas chambers “right before our eyes,” including one gas chamber that is currently under construction in Kentucky, as a result of a United Nations/Agenda 21 plot to pave the way for a “one world government” and “the rise of the Antichrist.”

Howard-Browne also told Wiles that a “leading congressman” informed him about an impending collapse of the U.S. dollar and the food supply.

“We are going to martial law,” he said, before warning that the Muslim Brotherhood controls dozens of American ports and that ISIS is infiltrating the U.S.

Naturally, the interview ended with Howard-Browne reading a list of quotes about the coming one world government, which will be based on socialism, Zionism, Masonry, the Rothschild family and owl-worship, and which will empower the “Luciferian structure of the globe that worships Lucifer.”

Remember, this is the same televangelist who organized a month-long conservative prayer gathering in Washington this year and led a 2012 Republican National Convention prayer rally, both of which drew top GOP and Religious Right figures.