Right Wing Round-Up

  • First of all, our congratulations to Pam for being among those who will be honored at the Women’s Media Center first annual WMC Media Awards.
  • Dan Gilgoff says that religious conservatives who “have argued for years that legalized gay unions would undermine the basic family unit” are moving toward arguments claiming that marriage equality threaten their religious liberties.
  • Sarah Posner argues that “because of that deception on reproductive rights, it’s more important than ever for the president to lay the moral groundwork for his own position — not just to recognize the moral qualms of abortion opponents.”
  • David Hart takes issue Robert Gagnon’s assertion that gays should be covered by hate crimes legislation because, he claims, homosexuality is a choice. Hart responds by noting that “current hate crimes law includes religion, which is [also] a choice.”
  • Finally, Media Matters has a clip of Michael Savage calling Rush Limbaugh a “total fraud.”