Conservative Columnist Offers ‘Random Thoughts’ On Unattractive Women, Tolerance Of Immigrants

Conservative columnist Thomas Sowell, a senior fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution who also has a regular gig at the Washington Times, takes to WorldNetDaily today to offer his “random thoughts” on various things that bother him, from tolerance of immigrants to attractive women who don’t dress well.

Sowell writes that he’s reminded of the ancient Greeks when he sees “Western nations take tolerance to the extreme,” particularly when it comes to immigrants. He also “bothers” him when he sees a “good-looking” Berkeley-educated woman “who could be truly beautiful if she only took the trouble” end up losing her husband to “another woman, who had not gone to Berkeley.”

Sowell also has “random thoughts” on the Supreme Court’s decision upholding the Affordable Care Act (“government all but owns us now”) and the current Republican Party, which he claims is not enough like Reagan (we assume he’s not referring to Reagan’s support of immigration reform).

Random thoughts on the passing scene:

It is amazing how many people still fall for the argument that, if life is unfair, the answer is to turn more money and power over to politicians. Since life has always been unfair, for thousands of years and in countries around the world, where does that lead us?

I am so old that I can remember when sex was private. “Don’t ask, don’t tell” applied to everybody.

The ancient Greeks understood that carrying any principle to extremes was dangerous. Yet, thousands of years later, some Western nations take tolerance to the extreme of tolerating intolerance among immigrants to their own societies. Some even make it illegal – a “hate crime” – to warn against intolerant foreigners who would like nothing better than to slit the throats of their hosts, but who will settle for planting a few bombs here and there.

How do the clever Beltway Republicans and their consultants explain how Ronald Reagan won two consecutive landslide election victories, doing the opposite of what they say is the only way for Republicans to win elections?

I don’t know why it bothers me when I see a good-looking woman who could be truly beautiful if she only took the trouble. But I can recall a woman like that who was educated at Berkeley, and who apparently thought attention to her appearance was not hip. Unfortunately, her husband met another woman, who had not gone to Berkeley, and who did not have this inhibition – or many other inhibitions.

With his decision declaring Obamacare constitutional, Chief Justice John Roberts turned what F.A. Hayek called “The Road to Serfdom” into a super highway. The government all but owns us now, and can order us to do pretty much whatever it wants us to do.