Alex Jones: Globalists Are Using Left-Wing Citizens To Commit Genocide

Infowars host Alex Jones addresses viewers on his YouTube channel. (YouTube/The Alex Jones Channel)

Conspiracy theorist radio host Alex Jones told viewers that globalist forces are using “unwashed masses” of liberals to enact a mass genocide of his followers in order to advance a nefarious globalist agenda.

In a YouTube video posted yesterday, Jones told viewers that because he and his followers are resistant to a globalist agenda to systematically kill off the world population, a conspiracy is underway to use “giant unwashed masses” to execute them.

“Because we won’t euthanize them and because we won’t kill them, the eugenicists are using them and preparing them as lemming armies to run over us,” Jones said. “And they want to genocide us in an act of coming of age.”

Jones claimed that his audience’s “Christian ethos to not annihilate” the public is “being used by the very eugenicists” executing the conspiracy. He went on to claim that his off-the-record “globalist” sources had asked him to join in on their “orderly extermination of these people,” but he refused.

Jones claimed the “vicious, sociopathic, psychopathic, technocracy globalists and psych warfare experts” are using Democrats to execute their plan. These Democrats, he said, are vulnerable because they are “completely lost. They are completely freaked out and they are just threatened by culture in general and they want to bully full control of it.”