Sandy Rios: Muslims ‘Colonizing’ Texas And Tennessee

Sandy Rios, the American Family Association’s governmental affairs director, dedicated her radio program today to discussing the recent attempted attack on a “Draw Mohammad Contest” organized by Pamela Geller in Garland, Texas.

While chatting about the incident with a listener who lives in Garland, Rios warned that “there has been a real strategic colonization of Muslims around the country.”

“They’ve targeted places like Tennessee, Texas, places that are strong bastions of conservatism and opposition and there have been some intentional stuff going on here,” Rios said. “The whole mode of jihad is to move in and multiply and gradually overtake.” Rios added that while she would “never mistreat” a Muslim neighbor, she would find it “hard to be gracious” since she knows that they are only moving to her community to wage jihad and she “recognizes what the end game is.”

The listener, David, claimed that Muslim residents of Garland have turned the community into a “war zone” and have set up “a no-go zone, if you will,” in the form of a Muslim school. He also said the nearby city of Richardson “has been taken over by Muslims who have settled there.”