Right Wing Bonus Tracks – 8/26/16

  • Bryan Fischer helpfully explains that “God has not called us to be nice” because “nice people are weak.” 
  • William Gheen says that if Trump “diverges” on immigration, then Nativists like himself “will be his worst enemy.” 
  • Paul Hair warns that the “Obama regime is using the U.S. Department of Agriculture to evangelize deviancy in traditionally traditional rural America.” 
  • Kent Bailey writes the “moral bankruptcy of Hillary Clinton is a bottomless pit, but it graphically illustrates how secular legalism and post-Christian “morality” are the driving forces behind America’s regressive march back to the primitive, godless and pagan roots of humanity.” 
  • Day Gardner of the National Black Pro-Life Union thinks black voters are under a trance: “It’s infuriating that in this high tech day and age, many of my black brothers and sisters are of a ‘stepford’ mentality, sleep walking in a politically robotic-like existence. I want to shake them and say, wake up, smell the roses and the coffee! Stop voting for the same old politicians while hoping for different outcomes—face it … it’s not working!” 
  • Gary Cass of the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission declares that Hillary Clinton has embraced “a heretical liberal theology”: