Pat Robertson: Gay Marriage Will Lead To God’s Wrath, Turn US Into Sodom

Today on “The 700 Club,” Pat Robertson warned that if the Supreme Court strikes down bans on same-sex marriage, Christians in America will soon be “the victims of vicious, vicious attacks,” just like the angels who visited Sodom and were nearly raped by “virulent homosexuals.”

“The angels said to Lot, ‘Get your family out of here because judgment has come down on this town,’ and the fire of God fell on it and Sodom and Gomorrah were extinguished and Lot and his family were barely able to get out to a higher mountain away from the holocaust that ensued,” Robertson said. “Ladies and gentlemen, we are getting to a point not to accept homosexuality, but homosexuals are now in the ascendency where they are persecuting those who disagree with them.”

Robertson said that America is now turning into Sodom: “I warned about this years and years ago that it was going to happen and it did, it has. What’s next? What’s next is what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah. It is just a question of how soon the wrath of God is going to come on this land.”