Linda Harvey: Prosecute Hillary Clinton For Gay ‘Child Corruption’

Linda Harvey of Mission America is so upset that Hillary Clinton wrote a heartwarming message to a gay boy featured on the Humans of New York Facebook page that she thinks Clinton should be called out for breaking the law on “child corruption.”

“No one is officially calling Hillary’s encouragement of homosexual identity and feelings in an eight-year-old child corruption, which is still a crime in most states,” the Religious Right activist said. “But they should be.”

Harvey said that the boy, who told Humans of New York that “I’m homosexual and I’m afraid about what my future will be and that people won’t like me,” is “pre-occupied with same sex attractions and depraved identities” because he is probably a survivor of abuse.

While Harvey has absolutely no evidence of this, she claims that anyone who doesn’t suspect child abuse is just trying to suppress the truth! In fact, Harvey manages to blame Clinton: “In her world, it takes a village to raise a child– and it’s apparently critical that the ‘village’ be full of helpful drag queens and consultative child predators.”

An eight-year-old boy declares he “is” homosexual and is worried about his future. And of course, this is New York, so a photographer magically appears to document his pre-pre-adolescent angst.

He should calm down. The wannabe first female president of the recently Constitution-free United States of America, Hillary Clinton, quickly declared her support. She will make sure this “gay” second-grader is protected and enabled in the future to march naked in as many pride parades as he wants. This is America and by golly, it’s the land of the free–and easy.

Hillary has always been truly concerned about children, you see. In her world, it takes a village to raise a child– and it’s apparently critical that the “village” be full of helpful drag queens and consultative child predators.

This vulnerable boy, who might otherwise be collecting frogs, playing cub baseball, and calling girls “yucky,” is instead pre-occupied with same sex attractions and depraved identities– and just where did he pick this up? This is not typical child behavior and these are inappropriate child concerns. Is it possible these “feelings” reflect the twisted desires of adults in his life whose approval he covets, like many impressionable elementary school children?

When counselors see premature sexual preoccupation in children, many immediately suspect early sexual involvement of some type. But official opinion is unlikely to go there now after Obergefell v. Hodges, because that would mean such an identity and the sexual conduct that so quickly follows are not inborn, are not a destiny, are often not inherited but developed in children– unwillingly–and that perhaps the historical and biblical depiction of this conduct is accurate.

No one is officially calling Hillary’s encouragement of homosexual identity and feelings in an eight-year-old child corruption, which is still a crime in most states. But they should be.

She’s not alone in her unverifiable discovery of innate “gay”-ness. Just last week, the editors of USA Today wrote this:

“Modern science has concluded that sexual orientation, like race, is genetically determined and the court held that it deserves the same constitutional protection afforded to other immutable characteristics.”

Say again? What “science”? Quote us chapter and verse. They won’t because they can’t. It doesn’t exist.

So what does cause homosexual feelings? The elephant in the room for many people is child molestation. But America’s major medical groups are now populated with colleagues who profess to be homosexual. How during cocktail party chatter do you ask, “So, who was it who molested you and caused you to develop ‘gay’ feelings? Your older brother? The neighbor teen down the street?”

No, no one is willing to really uncover this subject for true debate in spite of the overwhelming evidence (think, Catholic Church adolescent-boy molestation scandal and cover-up– read the book Goodbye, Good Men by Michael Rose).

Hillary Clinton is their perfect candidate– lawless, corrupt and phony to the core. We must bring forward a far better alternative because we owe it to our precious children.