FRC: Gays Want to “Transform the Family and American Society and Destroy Your Traditional Values”

I’m posting this newest email alert sent out by Tony Perkins and the Family Research Council just because I find the whole thing rather remarkable … and not for the just the fact that someone is willing to give FRC $100,000 to spread this sort of gargabe: 

I fervently believe the glorious Star-Spangled Banner should wave over our soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and Coast Guard heros.

President Obama wants to raise the rainbow flag of the homosexual rights movement over them.

Which will it be? That’s what is at stake in Family Research Council’s (FRC) campaign to stop the homosexual Left from lifting the ban on open homosexuality in the military.

That prohibition is federal law and was applied in the 1993 Clinton compromise policy called “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT).

And if the Left overturns it and forces open homosexuality on the military, here are just a few of the results:

* Soldiers will be forced to live in close quarters with people who view them as sexual objects.

* Morale will plunge, discipline will suffer, and unit cohesion — the glue that holds the military together — will fall apart and dramatically weaken our national defense capability.

* Many highly motivated, well-trained servicemen and women will leave the military rather than serve in compromising situations . . . and many men and women simply will not join the military.

* Scarce funds will be wasted to retrofit sleeping quarters and handle discipline problems.

These threats are so severe that a generous family has committed a $100,000 matching grant to help FRC defend our military. For every dollar you give, they will give a dollar – doubling your impact!

Our military exists to fight and win wars, not engage in radical social engineering. Forcing soldiers to cohabit with people who view them as sexual objects would inevitably lead to increased sexual tension, sexual harassment, and even sexual assault.

How do I know these things? I speak almost daily with current and former military leaders.

And, I served in the U.S. Marine Corps. I know what it’s like to live in an open barracks, dress, and shower in front of 70 other men. I know how critical it is for those 70 to become a single fighting unit. And I know that’s impossible if just one of those 70 insists on standing apart or giving another preferential treatment.

Moreover, there have been 14 congressional hearings on homosexuality in the military over the past 16 years, and the consensus hasn’t changed one bit: It’s a very bad idea.

Please help us defend the law that preserves military order, discipline, and fighting effectiveness by sending the most generous contribution you can to support FRC in this urgent campaign.

I am deeply grateful for your active support for FRC. And I am certain you share my profound concern about the ever-encroaching homosexual agenda that will weaken the military’s ability to protect our families. The homosexual lobby’s ultimate goal is to transform the family and American society and destroy your traditional values. Our goal is to strengthen the family and your values.

Our team of staff and outside experts is working with a handful of allies. We are speaking with scores of members of congress, both Republican and Democrat. There may be action in the Senate next week. We must have the funds in place to educate leaders and the grassroots.

We have proven we can shape national policy by stretching every dollar and having an impact many times greater than our budget. Will you help us today?

As I mentioned earlier, the fight to preserve DADT comes down to this: What flag will fly over the U.S. military?

Now is the time to fight for the red, white, and blue-for God, for country, for those who serve, for our families, and for our future. I understand if you cannot donate today. But if you are able, please let me hear from you today, and remember that every dollar you give will be doubled.