WorldNetDaily Blames The Media, Civil Rights Activists And Obama For Navy Yard Shooting

WorldNetDaily columnist Erik Rush, who believes that the Navy Yard shooting was a false flag “gun-grab theater,” is out with a column today wondering if shooter Aaron Alexis was a “race warrior.”

He claims that Alexis probably went on the rampage because he “felt disaffected due to his race,” which he blames on “the self-serving machinations of the political left, career civil rights activists and the Obama administration in particular.”

According to Rush, the “political left” wins black voters over by “re-igniting the bitterness and militancy radical black activists displayed during the Civil Rights Movement,” contributing to Alexis’ supposed “racial hatred.”

Given all of the data, one cannot help but factor in the alleged racism Alexis claimed to have suffered as a possible contributing factor in the shootings. The racial climate in America has been deliberately poisoned in recent years by the self-serving machinations of the political left, career civil rights activists and the Obama administration in particular. This has led to a near-epidemic in black-on-white crime, one which goes wholly unreported by the establishment press. Might this contrived, institutional advancement of racial tension have contributed to the rage and instability of a man who already felt disaffected due to his race?

That sense of entitlement and tendency toward feeling disrespected among black Americans is part and parcel of the worldview spoon-fed to blacks by the political left. It is a common theme and corrosive thread that has run through the left’s racial narrative for decades. Indeed, this has been employed in order to entice blacks into political allegiance with the left, in keeping them in socioeconomic thralldom and – more recently – in re-igniting the bitterness and militancy radical black activists displayed during the Civil Rights Movement.

Was racial hatred the prime motivator for Aaron Alexis’ heinous attack this week, a factor, or a non-issue? While it is altogether possible that his were the actions of an individual with a psyche disintegrating so rapidly that even he may not have fully understood why he acted as he did, failing to consider race in light of the current political and social landscape would be imprudent indeed.

Rush’s WND colleague Jack Cashill agrees, and asserts that Alexis’ psychological problems “were aggravated by the message that the Democratic-media complex has been steadily pumping out, namely that a black American can never expect justice.”

“As the saner among the media elite know, the blame circles back upon themselves,” Cashill writes. “They helped create the atmosphere in which an emotionally unstable black person finds it easier to blame whites than he does himself.” The right-wing commentator goes on to blame the liberal media for having “continued to drum into the head of African-Americans the pervasiveness of racism in America.”

Aaron Alexis, the former Navy reservist who killed a dozen people in Monday’s Navy Yard shooting, no doubt had psychological problems aplenty.

But evidence suggests that those problems were aggravated by the message that the Democratic-media complex has been steadily pumping out, namely that a black American can never expect justice.

In the past, the media have desperately sought to blame mass violence directly on the right, as they did after the shootings in Tucson and Aurora, Colo., or to blame the right indirectly by focusing on guns, as they did after the Sandy Hook school shooting.

That doesn’t work here. As the saner among the media elite know, the blame circles back upon themselves. They helped create the atmosphere in which an emotionally unstable black person finds it easier to blame whites than he does himself.

In the month of his inauguration, 79 percent of whites and 63 percent of blacks held a favorable view of race relations in America.

By July 2013, those figures had fallen to 52 percent among whites and 38 percent among blacks, a calamitous decline, rarely addressed, never explained.

Although there are as many reasons for the decline in those numbers as there are for the decline in Alexis’ mental health, one fact seems undeniable: The media have continued to drum into the head of African-Americans the pervasiveness of racism in America, Obama’s election notwithstanding.

Indeed, by repeatedly interpreting criticism of Obama as racially based, the media have aggravated the tension between blacks and non-blacks.

In his paranoia and rage, Alexis seemed not at all unlike former L.A. cop and fellow Navy reservist Christopher Dorner. In February 2012, Dorner found it much easier to hold a white establishment accountable for his homicidal spree than the personal demons that beset him.