WND: TNT’s ‘Dallas’ Is ‘Taking Orders From Obama’

After yesterday’s earthshattering exposé on US aid to provide basic sanitation for children in Kenya, WorldNetDaily is out today with yet another report on a Watergate-level scandal, this time exposing how the TNT show “Dallas” is a tool of the Obama administration.

A WND article with a classic “just asking the question” headline, “Is ‘Dallas’ TV Show Taking Orders From Obama?,” suggests that White House officials used a scene on the TV show to promote opposition to fracking.

The Obama administration may be strategically writing its agenda into your favorite television shows.

Now there’s reason to wonder just how many of its policies the Obama administration may have been “nagging” Hollywood to promote.

That’s because the similarities between a recent television episode and one of the latest moves by the administration may be too uncanny to be mere coincidence.

The March 10 episode of TNT’s “Dallas” featured a plot in which the main character, Bobby Ewing, conspires with the Sierra Club to highlight the purported plight of the lesser prairie chicken to stop fracking on the Southfork Ranch.

Seventeen days later, the Obama administration’s U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced it had listed the lesser prairie chicken as a threatened species.

Of course, natural gas production has increased dramatically under the Obama administration, and the US Fish and Wildlife Service has warned [PDF] about threats to the lesser prairie chicken’s population decline for the last 15 years.

The debate about the lesser prairie chicken’s status has been taking place forseveral years … but no, “Dallas” probably just got orders from President Obama himself to include it on the show in order to brainwash unsuspecting viewers. Or maybe not! Just asking the question!