WND: ‘Libs’ And Gays Will ‘Murder’ Conservatives

It has been rich with irony that Religious Right activists are simultaneously calling for a boycott of World Vision for its move — since retracted — to recognize gay employees’ spouses while criticizing gay rights advocates who are upset that Mozilla’s new CEO donated to the campaign to repeal marriage equality in California. 

WorldNetDaily, which has published several articles attacking World Vision over the matter, today published a column by Phil Elmore criticizing the dating website OKCupid for informing members using the Firefox browser that Mozilla’s new CEO, Brendan Eich, donated to the Proposition 8 campaign (OKCupid users on Firefox can still use the browser). “If individuals like Mr. Eich had their way, then roughly 8% of the relationships we’ve worked so hard to bring about would be illegal,” the note reads.

Elmore writes that the “progressive mind-control mob” is trying “to establish thoughtcrime” punishments that are “marginalizing and criminalizing any opinion with which they disagree, declaring it ‘hate’ and an assault on ‘rights’ (while denying First Amendment freedom to those they threaten, bully, and hector).”

“If you are a liberal, you have rights. If you are a conservative, you don’t,” he claims, before suggesting that liberals will have their opponents killed: “You must therefore be denigrated, punished and silenced – and that’s only because the libs haven’t yet worked up the courage to murder you. Yet.”

Liberals have invaded your computer and attempted to dictate which browser you may use based on the political incorrectness of a single employee at a single software firm. Specifically, the management of dating site OKCupid has declared Mozilla’s new CEO, Brenden Eich, persona non grata because – GASP! – Eich has dared to exercise his constitutional right to free speech and freedom of religion by donating to political causes he supports (and of which progressives disapprove). Eich donated to California’s Proposition 8, stating his support for the definition of marriage as being between a man and a woman (a position held by President “Mom Jeans” Obama until only recently).

This definition is no longer good enough for liberals. We saw it when the progressives targeted Chick-fil-A and Hobby Lobby. In every case, whether the target is high technology or old tradition, the result is the same: Liberals wish to purge from both public and private life any religious conviction or devotion to traditional morality. They do so by marginalizing and criminalizing any opinion with which they disagree, declaring it “hate” and an assault on “rights” (while denying First Amendment freedom to those they threaten, bully, and hector).

What, after all, is Brenden Eich’s crime? He committed no illegal act. He did nothing improper or immoral. He violated no campaign finance laws. He simply expressed an opinion in accordance with how our political system is supposed to work. For daring to do so he is now being punished by an overreaching and unrelentingly “progressive” mind-control mob. This mob seeks, on multiple fronts, to establish thoughtcrime. It seeks to redefine a lack of affirmation for liberal ideas as the active opposition of them. That opposition, in turn, is redefined as illegitimate and as hatred. Conservatives are thus redefined as haters and then consigned to irrelevance in liberal politics (as seen recently in New York, when Gov. Andrew Cuomo told conservatives there was no place in the state for their opinions).

In a “free” country, your government can force you to bake a wedding cake for a homosexual couple, but Muslim cashiers don’t have to check out pork or alcohol. These conclusions are inconsistent because liberals in power believe wholeheartedly in a double standard. If you are a liberal, you have rights. If you are a conservative, you don’t. You are, in fact, an evil, hateful person if you believe in traditional morality or, God help you, Christianity. You must therefore be denigrated, punished and silenced – and that’s only because the libs haven’t yet worked up the courage to murder you.
