What Happens When You Get All Of Your News From Bryan Fischer

Today on Focal Point, Bryan Fischer took a call from Ricky from Baton Rouge, who told the American Family Association spokesman that he gets “80-90%” of his news from Fischer…and the rest from David Barton and Tony Perkins.

Ricky urged Fischer to stop treating President Obama as a legitimate president since “George Soros and the ungodly Demon-crat Party” used fraud to help President Obama and Harry Reid win re-election.

“You’re exactly right,” Fischer said.

Fischer agreed and demanded that Obama’s “election ought to have an asterisk by it” because he used voter fraud to increase Democratic votes and the IRS to repress conservatives.

We don’t expect Ricky to see that claims of 2012 voter fraud and Tea Party persecution by the IRS have been wholly discredited, but will sadly continue to get all of his news from disreputable sources like Fischer, Perkins and Barton.