Welcome To The ‘United Shariah States of America’

On Friday, WorldNetDaily ran a column by Andrew Thorp King about the coming “United Shariah States of America,” which he writes will emerge in just five years and turn American citizens into slaves.

In the Sharia States, King writes, it will be hard to walk without encountering ash from the incinerators murdering all the infidels following the Islamist takeover of the U.S., a prediction he makes based on a debunked case of a Sharia court in Texas and a bogus poll organized by the Center for Security Policy.

The evil, ambitious, prescient plan that led us to where we are now, here in 2021, where ISIS has Islamized America.

Today is Thursday. The last one in September. The autumn leaves are as beautiful as they ever were this time of year, except for the light, consistent layer of soft ash that floats down on them periodically throughout the day. The ash that comes from the incinerator just down the street. Thursdays are their biggest production day. Wednesdays are drop-off days for that week’s collection activity, so Thursday is when most of the burning happens. Hence, more ash. I escaped the incinerator by pledging my life to Islam. A coward I am. Those who are brave, the collected ones – all the infidels – Christians, homosexuals, atheists and especially the Jews, they get the fire. Some days I wish I chose to be with them.

Instead, I sit and wonder what would have happened if we got wise to their 20-year plan back in 2016. Back when it was already clear they were right on track with the first five phases. Or if we paid more attention to the implications of the poll taken of Muslims living in the U.S. back in 2015 that showed that 51 percent embraced Shariah over the U.S. Constitution. Could we have hedged the remaining two phases if we knew better? I doubt it. But only God knows.

God knows the West did very little to push back the creeping of this now dominant, ubiquitous Shariah. The civilization jihadists pushed for their own sub-legal system in Texas, just like in Londonistan. And we eventually gave in. No political will. Only political correctness.

We essentially rolled over as the Muslim Brotherhood methodically infiltrated our power structures and government entities for years with an underlying intent to wage civilization jihad on us in a slow, deliberate, calculated fashion. The Western frog lying cluelessly in the hot boiling water of increasing Islamism.

So, here I sit, a slave in the United Shariah States of America. I’ve lost all integrity by submitting to the faith of my captors, and yet still I am their slave. I’ve escaped death but still lost life by turning my soul away from my own faith and devotion to my country.

I never saw this coming. The West never saw this coming. The stinging memory of Nazism did nothing to help us perceive this new, similar threat. A threat directly connected to and inspired by the ideology and strategies of Nazism. But it was all right there. All in the plan.