Wayne Allyn Root: Hillary Clinton Committed ‘Hanging’ Offense, But Is Blackmailing The FBI To Stay Out Of Jail

Today is a big day for conservative activist and former Libertarian vice presidential nominee Wayne Allyn Root, who, as the Republican presidential candidates descend on his home state of Nevada for tomorrow’s debate, joined Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Ben Carson and Rick Santorum at a summit hosted by anti-Muslim activist Frank Gaffney before moving on to emcee a rally for Donald Trump.

The proximity of presidential candidates did not cause Root to hold back on his rhetoric, telling the audience at Gaffney’s forum that Hillary Clinton has committed “a hanging, treasonous offense” involving foreign donors to the Clinton Foundation but is getting off the hook by blackmailing FBI Director James Comey and other Republicans in Washington.

“Can you imagine a Republican secretary of state working for a Republican president starting a foundation for charity that collects money from foreign governments by the hundreds of millions and billions and then takes the money and hands out government contracts to the same country that made the contribution from the State Department?” he asked. “That’s not a criminal offense, that’s a hanging, treasonous offense.”

When a member of the audience asked Root “when we are going to nail Hillary,” Root responded that he wasn’t sure because “I don’t know if Comey, the FBI director, is totally on the straight-and-narrow.”

“I believe we’ve got massive blackmail going on in the United States government,” he said. “The NSA, the IRS, their goal is to find out everything about Republicans — not everybody, Republicans.”

“They want to know everything about us, especially Republican politicians in Washington, D.C., and then they blackmail them,” he explained. “Is Comey susceptible to that? I have no idea, but I certainly have my suspicions about the Supreme Court justice of the United States voting twice for Obamacare.”

Root has previously shared his theory that Chief Justice John Roberts was blackmailed into ruling against challenges to the Affordable Care Act.