Wayne Allyn Root Apparently Thinks White Middle Class Males Are The Slaves In Today’s Society

Yesterday, Donald Trump-worshiping sycophant Wayne Allyn Root appeared on “Newsmax Prime” to promote his new book, “Angry White Male: How the Donald Trump Phenomenon is Changing America—and What We Can All Do to Save the Middle Class.”

Root said that Democrats are intent on destroying white middle class males and that men like him therefore have every right to be outraged about it, just like blacks were angry when they were the victims of slavery and widespread institutional discrimination.

“We have a right to be angry,” Root said. “Certainly today they don’t say black people, when they were being persecuted, when they were enslaved, when they weren’t allowed to vote, when there were poll taxes, when they were treated like second class citizens, when they were being hosed by policemen in the South, do people today say they had no right to complain and be angry?”

Today, Root said, it is white middle class males who are facing this sort of relentless persecution.

Democrats are “looking to destroy us with taxes, with spending, with regulations, with IRS audits, with Obamacare, with climate change, you name it, we’re being attacked from every direction,” Root fumed, saying that everything that white males like him believe in has been “under massive attack in the United States of America for the last 50 years, but particularly, the last eight years of Barack Obama.”