Wayne Allyn Root: Americans Loved Video Of Trump Boasting Of Sexual Assault

Conservative activist and Donald Trump ally Wayne Allyn Root thinks that the recently uncovered video of Trump boasting about sexually assaulting women will help the GOP presidential nominee because people love “a savage.”

“All of this bad stuff, all of these secretly recorded videos, they just make the story better,” Root wrote in WorldNetDaily yesterday. “Trump isn’t a man; he is a folk hero. He’s Paul Bunyan. He’s the Loch Ness Monster. He’s Sir William Wallace, the hero warrior of ‘Braveheart.’”

Yes, Trump’s an animal, a savage – but he’s our animal. He’s our savage.”

Trump is our Brexit. The rules don’t apply to him.

The people are angry. They want scalps. They’ve got their pitchforks out. They want to set fire to Washington, D.C. They want to put career politicians in prison. They don’t care anymore about rules, or manners, or etiquette, or traditional political behavior. Someone is going to pay for what the establishment has done to the greatest nation in world history and the formerly greatest middle class in the world.

And if Donald Trump is a tough talking caveman, GREAT!

If he sounds like an animal, so be it.

If Trump is a savage, all the better. We’ve found our guy.

We lost with Mitt Romney and John McCain being nice polite gentleman. We would have lost this year with milquetoast Jeb Bush or John Kasich.

But Trump is a warrior. All of that crude talk by Trump just makes him the perfect guy to burn Washington, D.C., down. To stand up to the corrupt and crooked political establishment. To fight back against the Clinton Crime Cartel.

So he doesn’t have to be well-mannered. Trump gets bonus points for being a savage. If he makes ladies in gowns faint … if he makes liberals vomit … if he makes crooked politicians tremble … then he’s our guy!

All of this bad stuff, all of these secretly recorded videos, they just make the story better. Trump isn’t a man; he is a folk hero. He’s Paul Bunyan. He’s the Loch Ness Monster. He’s Sir William Wallace, the hero warrior of “Braveheart.”

Yes, Trump’s an animal, a savage – but he’s our animal. He’s our savage. He’s a tough guy fighting viciously for us. And if he’s fighting “dirty”? Great. It’s about time we had someone on our side who brings a bazooka to a gun fight, instead of a knife.

Yes, any other politician would have stepped down, or backed down after that secretly recorded video was released. Trump DOUBLED DOWN. Instead of playing doormat or shrinking violet to Hillary at the debate, even after the release of that terrible video, Trump promised to put her in prison. Are you kidding me? This guy has balls in a nation filled with neutered men.