Watch Out: Islam, Socialism, Environmentalism Uniting To Kill Us All

Alex Jones invited WorldNetDaily columnist Lord Christopher Monckton onto “Infowars” yesterday to discuss everything from the Paris terrorist attacks to climate change, which the two agreed is a myth that was created to bring about an oppressive one-world government.

Monckton connected the dots between the two issues, alleging that radical Islamists, socialists and environmentalists are all coming together to kill billions of people in order to achieve the United Nations/Ted Turner objective of reducing the world’s population.

“What they want to do is reduce the population not by one billion but to one billion,” he said. “It’s now 7.2 billion, they want to cut the population by 6.2 billion…. It’s a conspiracy.”

“They are ganging up together, the totalitarians, Islam and socialism and environmentalism, worldwide, getting into bed together to destroy as many of the world’s population as they can,” he added.

Tags: Alex Jones