On Wednesday, Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council blasted the New England Patriots for signing a Supreme Court amicus brief in favor of marriage equality, alleging that “the Patriots didn’t exactly live up to their name” with the team’s endorsement of equal marriage rights.
“The New England Patriots didn’t just deflate footballs — they’ve deflated Americans’ respect in professional sports,” Perkins said in his radio commentary this week.
Perkins’ assistant Craig James, a former Fox Sports football analyst, has said previously that the Patriots’ decision to join the amicus brief represents “Satan working on us.”
The New England Patriots didn’t just deflate footballs — they’ve deflated Americans’ respect in professional sports. Hi, I’m Tony Perkins with the Family Research Council in Washington. A month after winning the Super Bowl, the New England Patriots are stepping onto another turf: the marriage debate. This month, the Patriots didn’t exactly live up to their name when they joined baseball’s Tampa Bay Rays and San Francisco Giants in asking the Supreme Court to overturn the votes of millions of Americans who voted to uphold natural marriage. They argue that state laws protecting marriage “hamper employer efforts to recruit and retain the most talented workforce possible in these states.” But if the latest polling is any indication, Americans aren’t exactly fans of these teams’ agenda. Now that people are starting to see the fallout of same-sex marriage, Rasmussen is finding that more people actually oppose same-sex marriage than support — 44% to 42%. So if the Patriots are trying to move the goal post on marriage, they might want to change their game plan.