As we noted yesterday, “Coach” Dave Daubenmire was the finalist to become the new head football coach at Lakewood High School in Ohio, pending a vote by the Board of Education.
Last night, the Board cast its vote and, by a margin of 3-2, rejected Daubenmire for the position.
Of course, Daubenmire has responded by firing off a press release blaming the decision on outside groups which “used lies, intimidation and threats to bully the school board into rejecting the administration’s recommendations” and claiming that he was the victim of illegal discrimination:
It is painfully obvious that the anti-Christian lobby demand not just acceptance but obedience to their far left dogma and will smear anyone who speaks up for Christian values. The message that the Lakewood Board of Education sent last night is that anyone with deeply held Biblical beliefs is not welcome in our public schools. The board’s actions were both immoral and illegal. My family has resided in this community for over 50 years. The rejection by this school board is a slap in the face not only to Christians everywhere, but to our family in particular. In America, only Christians can be discriminated against. Homosexual teachers and coaches would be welcomed with open arms.
As we’ve noted before, it is amazing how Religious Right activists seem to believe that the First Amendment exists to protect their right to say any bigoted thing they want while simultaneously guaranteeing that they should never suffer any consequences for having said those things.