‘The Election Will Be Rigged, There’s No Question About It’

Yesterday, Alex Jones spoke with fellow conspiracy theorist Steve Pieczenik, who suggested that Hillary Clinton, despite her “history of lesbian activities,” is blackmailing President Obama with information about his “homosexual history in Chicago,” proving that she is up to no good.

Pieczenik said that a nefarious actor like Clinton wouldn’t think twice about committing other evil deeds, like rigging the election.

“The election will be rigged,” he said. “There’s no question about it. It is totally rigged.”

Jones, warning that his InfoWars network may be shut down “if these people take over,” said that the Departments of Homeland Security and Justice will try to take over the election system under the guise of preventing cyberattacks like “giants foxes guarding the henhouse from imaginary Russians.”

The claim that President Obama is secretly gay is a favorite of Pieczenik’s.