Texas Gov. Greg Abbott: Stop Immigration ‘Coup’ By Giving To My Campaign  

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott. Image from campaign video.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has sent a fundraising letter urging supporters to give to his re-election campaign to save Texas and America from open-borders advocates who want “to use illegal immigration to launch a coup that could hand them both Texas and the White House for a generation.”

Abbott’s letter is a virtual guidebook to the array of right-wing media bogeymen. Abbott’s letter warns that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Eric Holder, George Soros, illegal immigrants, “left-wing judges,” trial lawyers, the “national Democrat machine,” “left-wing activists,” the ACLU, and even the country of Mexico are all scheming to block his “sanctuary city” ban and defeat him on their way to turning Texas blue and using “their gerrymandering power to draw congressional Republicans out of office after the 2020 census.”

Abbott’s letter, which refers to “sanctuary city” or “sanctuary cities” 17 times (not counting two on the reply form) warns, “If we lose this fight, we could lose America.”